
I like this.

Then we’ll know for sure which states to drive around when we’re going on a trip.


Hey. I’m old, and I think the whole “Bill has fucked around in the past so Hillary shouldn’t be president” is sexist fucking crap.


The GOP needs to get owned by this. Totally agree.

That’s how I see it. I keep being amazed and confused that so many other people don’t.

He won’t care. It would be a fine humiliation for the Republican party that fielded him though, and they SO deserve that.

I, um...I can’t help picturing that car chase as a Keystone Cops event.


They’ve never experienced anything like this before, have they?

I love this! +1

It was Katrina that did the damage, and anyone paying attention knew that NOLA was a disaster waiting to happen with a direct hit from any decent size hurricane.

Why would Jane Doe have to explain that? It’s up to the prosecutor to bring criminal charges.

Yes. Me too. So many choices!

I thought it was Jerry for sure, but now you bring up Snyder I’m suddenly having doubts.

You guys are all huffy and important about being reporters. Be reporters and tell us what he’s for. Also, anyone that thinks the VP is nothing more than a place holder is, at best, sadly deluded.

OK. But I don’t see any evidence that Crawford is pretending to be noble. She’s looking out for herself, of course. I don’t understand why that’s a problem. Baylor is an entire institution with powerful allies and lots of money. She’s a private person who works for a living, and is unlikely to get another job in her

There is a partial answer to your question in the television report linked by Redford last night.

I have responded to you three times now, and my responses keep disappearing. You’re not dismissing me for answering your question, are you?