Well, you’ve cheered me up! Carry on!
Well, you’ve cheered me up! Carry on!
Ha! Sorry! I realized I was being a pointless butt and deleted myself apparently at exactly the same time you were responding. I’ll remain a butt and let the chips fall where they may from now on.....
Ghandi and King have more lasting impact on the world than anybody who ever beat up a bus. Chair guy has had more lasting impact on this protest, that picture is powerful in the extreme. They may try, but ultimately most reasonable people can not ignore a righteous person who will not be drawn and will not go away.…
that medic needs “medic” on his chest in much louder letters, maybe with a red cross symbol as well. I would never have noticed he wasn’t a soldier if the article hadn’t prompted me to look closely and realize he was a medic. I guess the nitrile gloves might have been a clue, but you don’t exactly think about stuff…
Mr. Trump? You’re on thin ice if you start making hair jokes, sir.
this is an excellent point. I was picturing the pie going in vertical like in the three stooges, but if it made contact horizontally like a frisbee (especially if still in the pie pan) and from a distance, it could be a useful weapon.
subtle. +1 prickly hat.
He’s pesky that way.
Hubs and I got married in our front yard, I would never consider doing anything more fancy than that.
Even better! Amazing!
They....they have outlets with built in charging ports that you can have in your own home? Really? I’m old, which is the same as having kids in the house in terms of keeping track of anything, and I could really use this. Thanks for the tip!
This is the great thing about the UK though, right? I mean, some battle was fought in absolutely everyones back garden at some point in time, so it’s not that big a deal anymore right? I had a lovely tea at a tea shop in a crypt while I was there, sitting right next to some dead person in the wall. I mean, it was a…
Agreed. Bee is doing solid work here.
I notice you use the word “almost”. Wise choice.
Dear Lord. I am so happy those fuckers are suffering this morning.
Any slander of Jon Gruden makes my day better.
Thank you for mentioning the ghost of Orlando Pace.
So much depressing to go around for Bears fans.