
As an American Indian (hell I just consider myself an American), I don’t worry about the past I look to the future. Is there racisim in America ? Of course there will always be and truth is it’s not only whites it’s pretty equal across the playing field. You only here about white hate because that makes better news.


Remember when destiny first launched and the worst people had to complain about was getting screwed out of good loot by Master Rahool?

“The Taken King Collector’s Edition Digital Content consists of: (3) Class Specific Emotes, (3) Armor Shaders, and (3) Exotic Class Items with XP Bonuses.”

Oh, We’re sorry. Here, let’s fix it but giving you what you ‘want’ by waaaay overcharging you for a couple of emotes, colors, and items. Remember when $20 would net

Loose bit of fluff/string from the tree behind him.

I read the “Get over yourself” part in Scorpion’s voice. It made your comment resonate more with the story (ha ha cosplay). I have amused myself for the day. /moves on

Cool. Wakka Wakka, bitches.

Those prices are all pretty standard for their respective games. None of them are shockingly high, at any rate.

Fahey, you’re an awesome guy. Happy Father’s Day.

I’d say my definition is spot on.

It seems the theme for Nintendo this year - at least regarding the 3DS - is to take the worst entries in beloved franchises (Metroid Prime Hunters and Zelda: Four Swords, respectively) and release pseudo-sequels that nobody asked for.

And then the spoiler is “the radio is dead from the beginning.

Is it safe to say that Beth just won E3? I mean I don’t really see anything topping them. Then again I’m a fanboy lol