
You sick sons of bitches!

Fuck these haters below me. This was amazing! Just for fun and stuff. This guys awesome! Thanks for the share

This comment brought to you today by: SOME BITTER GAMER WITH TO MUCH TIME!

You say “amazing movie” I didn't see that at all. I honestly likes THUNDERDOME more than this new one. What did u enjoy about the movie? Just curious for funs sake

We all know there gonna fuck in the manga....

You sound like a fucking racist.

I did it lol nothing weird.

God his voice sounds like angels playing death metal! We need him as the new movie guy!!!!!

Ever since they anoucnced this in the U.S Iv been waiting patiently for your review! Thanks again for a awesome coupe of mins and a lot of laughs. Double stars!

I just wanna be able to look at my wrist and feel more into the game. It could look like a giant dick for all I care. Fallout4 hype

Any word on the phone type needed ? Or does the shell do some crazy new adjust to fit thing?

They came out dicks swinging throwing not 1 but 3 epic games out there and that fallout release date!!!! For the fucking gamers if u ask me.

Nobody gives a fuck about another HUNTERS game we want metriod fps. I skipped the wii cause I prefure a normal controller with 2 stocks now Nintendo has that and they give me bullshit..... Hate to say I'm selling my wiiu for a Xbox 0ne

Famous last words lol



You shut your whore mouth! Dishonored was an amazing game. Never had so much fun with a FPS.

Ya bro you have its called doom 3

The hype is strong in you my friend! Ca him or her a cunt next

Horse? This witcher runs!!!! The towns folk say only one phrase in my presence, “look at those calves”