
hurry sombody do a kotaku review on this vid. "Just rent it"

the bio shock music made this even better

Power rangers? Can't put my finger on him.

fucking thanks u it makes perfect sense lol

can sombody explain the second one with no words?

pretty stoked for hell divers, hotline, and 3 more games this March! Can't wait for bloodborn and the likes as well. The order was amazing just short lol

I don't think there's a problem with it. I find it more interesting than offensive, if u don't like it don't read it plain and simple :) MERICA! but fuck nazis

u sick, disgusting, amazing person! Thank u for this gif.

"slightly bruised testicle" my fucking nuts hurt just typing those words....

fuck sandsrew , Dragonnite or I walk.....


your first paragraph made me stop reading. I use to be angry like u. Soon it'll pass. Your talking to sombody who refused to even stand for the pledge of allegiance ...

hey bro I'm with u but its not cool to bash on people for having faith. I wouldn't like them bashing me for my non faith. You'll grow up one day.

welcome to the rational side of life :)

don't stress my dad is a food vender and has been my entire life at one point we had a entire pantry of chips , jerky, and gas station candy so I hate chips without a nice dip nowadays lol

terry is the only TRU batman! Long live batman beyond!

avoid eating chips? You should be shot for saying such a disgusting thing ....

I'm here for the horrible reviews, news about lesbian seals that play Tetris, and shit Iv already seen or read on reddit. Isn't that why everyone comes to kotaku?

yes that one! Fucking knew sombody would know lol

to be honest your highlight reels and the "Tay" posts are the only reason I'm still at this site after 3 years lol