
been playing it for the past 6 hours and I gotta say it's deff different, the gameplay reminds me if they mixed the walking dead with dead space. Weird combo I know but it's not far off lol the story is amazing so far and the combat it decent. Not great but by no means bad. I'm really enjoying the little twist we get

and yes fears was a hit for sure but I Remeber the hate that it got before release. Calm down my friend I wasn't trying to attack u with my comment.

ouch man... Lair? That's a super harsh comparison my man. And my apologies for reading your last post wrong. I honeslty pre ordered this just cause I love me a good old fashioned werewolf game. So I just picked it up havnt popped it In so I have no clue how it is but I believe I'll enjoy it either way. I'll deff let u

probally gonna get hate comments for this but this is one mans opinion. Don't let it steer u away from a game you had interest in. For all you know his favorite game could be clash of clans or somthing horribly wack, when it comes down to it make the desicions for yourself. I'm for one still getting this. If it's even

damn man. You'll take any chance to hate this game. Have u even tried it for yourself? I'm not bad mouthing Kirk or kotaku but there reviews seem to be way off base for games I actaully enjoy. Wish I could go back and see what they gave Catherine, the first gears, and deadly premonition, all games I love but others

as a white cat I find this offensive.....

no Shutter love?

the pentagon of trust lol

this was actually pretty amazing and funny

I can't seem to ever agree with this mans super old school ways lol. Yes you shouldn't bash on others religion but freedom of speech baby!!!! Merica!

he's deff not up my butt... -looks around anxiously-

no lol it was way more mecha

I'm 25 now so when I was like 9-12 there was a show about kids who would fight in mechs and it was live action. Anyone REMEBER the name?

just hit 32 after the reset and I'm done for a while got shards on my nightfall.....

got it off plus and it was ok. Only played a few mins but I need spooky shit for my metriod games

id sue the fucker and the police. Get real. My entire family are police officers and the swat videos I see are not how real police officers handle shit.

OMG that's so fucking epic! And thank you for work safe description!

can a brotha get a video description for when I'm at work and really wanna know what happens without risky my balls on the cutting board.

been on the fence about this game since I read you can't really keep the same weapon if you like it because they break down over time even with repairs :(....So my questions are

respect his decision to remove it. I see no problem as long as the developer plans on updating frequently and why not let the people who do feel "cheated" the option of a refund. Yes I know it was a paid alpha but removal is rare and probaly wasn't even thought about when sombody decides to purchase this. ( Sorry for