
ya man cause that's works so well in a gang rape type situation ! Why don't u meditate on that!

we all have computers dude.... It's 2014 take your power trip to ign

sir I believe u missed my second comment. So your attempt At mockery has failed. I bid you a good day and a pleaseant tomorrow.

be jealous! Lol yes that's the villager lol

I hate u...

my fav is most likely Nocturne

p3 was better in my opinion , super slow but amazing and dark like a Halloween movie

that was more of a drunk troll but to be honest I couldn't get into that fucking game no matter wat I did... And it seemed like the story made for me just couldn't get past that boring as 4-6 hour intro that everyone says I need to break through and if u wanna know what games hold me in I'll list some my friends. DARK

ya man grinding for hours in persona 4s boring story is a blast....

engrams are not love! But engrams are life!

the hobitas sword doesa not turn green cause he is a hobitas but when orcs are near! Get the fuck out of here u habit trivia knowing bitch!

Hobits hate u!

I now hate you and everything u write. N64 controler was awesome!

I really hope we don't get another Naruto manga , don't get me wrong I love Naruto but I'm much more excited to see somthing new from this artist. Somthing more adult!

your horrible

no offense but if your gonna attempt a remake at least add to it.... This is just u stealing 2 people's ideas and combining them....

for the kiddies? No sir u are mistaken! I'm 25 and that light saber made me fucking Cum my panties! Maybe it wasn't doing it for u but this movie shall stomp even the older Star Wars fuck the episodes1-3 those we don't talk about.

looking it up? Lmao the article tells u that ! How u miss that one lol

your a fucking tool...

wow sounds like your a spiteful person.... This guy came from nothing and rose to the top. How can u be disgusted with him? If u had the money I bet u would take care of yourself as well. Don't get me wrong he could deff throw some of it to a good charity or could of adopted a hundred starving animals or kids but