
Ya people have no integrity.... Walmart has no integrity so fuck it :) ima go try right now!

no vita deals.... Games I mean... Fuck that new system with a horrible screen

just sat through 12 mins of the "The Greatest Game In The World" I give it a 7 out of Doritos and dew. Would have given a 10 out of horse play but couldn't get past the colors not changing

the 6th one down looks like the first map for Aliens: colon ruptering marines

as much as I hate what Warcraft has become known as. I hope this movie is good! I love the older books before WOW like when the stories went with the Rts games! Would be cool to see a online Starcraft game like La mass effect shooter

I feel sick now... I thought I was a fan of stuff to a crazy degree... But... But these people! Have beat me by about 28 miles

Nah the article is correct its in the tutorial lol some how I know without even playing that game lol

before I clicked on the article all I could think of was Deadly premonition. There were a few weird Ones in that game. The one at the table with the old lady is bar far the creepiest lmao.

good thing u never have to worry about that problem.

I wrote that Funny but it was ment for said kid In said video not at u but the comment was for u....

go to school kid.... I was born in 1989 and my youngest sister was born in 1994 your so young it would end me up in jail for hanging out with u lol

expose trolls? Ok first of all your talking about getting rid of freedoms we enjoy so u can report a troll who you shouldn't have let affect u in the first time lol grow the fuck up please we're adults here no need to taddle cause the mean Internet man/woman hated on u

and sorry to say this but I only see these gamergate articles on kotaku.... Most game sites just stick to gaming news like real gaming news lol even though luke u are my favorite

So from my understanding and let me be frank Ima be a rude about this cause im on the Internet and not face to face with you in real life I'm nice lol anyways what te fuck are these game gaters tripping about? Is it not enough female lead characters? Well blame the denvelopes for wanting a man for a character don't

I'm a gamer and have been since I was 3 but I don't even get this shit. It's like there drawing attention to the thing they hate lol but in a bad way.

I own neither and think Xbox fans can literally stop crying over dlc.... PS3 fans had to wait for games always for there fuck up by using the cell, now it's xboxs turn because the cloud and plus they treated the biggie dev like shit when in fact bungie was the only reason the Xbox sold so many units when first

'Twas a simple joke good sir (prick)

is it me or did they change the way they look? The newer ones seem really badly drawn

Omg that ico one is gold, her expression is just like my ex's