I might have to start watching this, Rachel Nichols that's why
Your Milo Kerrigan avatar works brilliantly as a response to those statements.
The gay musical called Gay from The IT Crowd was a good laugh.
Willies, willies, I love willies…
Nic Cage with a busted face singing Love Me Tender at the end of Wild At Heart
No hay banda!
Say goodbye to these!
I'm looking forward to America's Ghostz Got Singing
Strewth! Sounds like you need a kick up the bum!
Well spake, sir
You know what, I'm just gonna say it. I like Van Hagar.
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favovrite store on the citadel
It should be I Wovld Die 4 V
We don't want to look like normal people! Beads and shit on my face! Indie!
Sudden urge for a Boston mud cake.
Stvpid band name, but I've had this song practically stvck on repeat since I acqvired it.
@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus I believe the correct term is crymax.