

With the lights out it's less dangerous.

Death to Videodrome! Long live the new flesh!

Incest - it's fun for the whole family

Incest plots are so 2011. 2012 is the year of the necrophiliac!

The Artist Formally Known As Kyuss?

Sounds like it will be different from the BBC one.

I'm more concerned about her playing someone with two arms.

Horse pills

Why the not-so-long face?
This isn't working.

I'll forever remember Crash as "that movie where the guy who played Casey Jones in TMNT got it on with a dude"

Humorously enough, Load is when I got into Metallica, then I went backwards from there. I have this uncanny knack for getting into bands during their sellout phase, and then liking the albums everyone else hates.

Super Troopers, my good man

He had one of my favourite movie lines ever:
"Now I know we don't like each other…"
"I like you"
So simple, yet so perfect.

She'll do.

I quite like Treats. Streamed a bit of this album and found it underwhelming. Perhaps because it's a grower, perhaps because it's shit. Either way, probably won't buy it when there's about a million albums from better bands coming out over the next 2-3 months.

Unneccessary comment proclaiming my happiness for this development.

I just remembered I rather like Torn as well. Good karaoke fodder. Maybe she's not as horrible as I thought.

Whilst Madonna is not terrible per se, I'm not a fan at all. Frozen, however, is one incredible song.
I'd also chuck Big Mistake by Natalie Imbruglia in that bucket.