Ronin the Cat

LeBron is so dominant that every single player in the NBA would rather try to take on a “super-team” rather than play him on a regular basis.

It’s criminal that I’m banned and you won’t see my comment, applauding you.

Hey JoePa, say hi to Art Briles for me, while you both rot in HELL!

Look at those athletes!!!

Nah, youre a keeper.

look of SHAME


It wasn’t the cocaine, it was the meth that my shitty dealer put in the “cocaine” that triggered my heart condition.

Passive blacks don’t get a pass for black on black violence. See, we can do this shit all day.

Just one step away from calling people race traitors like all those loons on breitbart, aren’t you, homie?

Oh god I hope this is a real comment. But I can’t believe that they redid the story since November of last year.

Nobody fucking cares about trans issues.

But he’s, you know.


and she’s juicing.

stop listening but he kicks ass

fuck this take stephen a is king
