
And yet his TS% was almost always firmly below average. No one gives a shit if you are the best in the world at taking 18-foot, off-balance, turnaround hesi fadeaway jimbos if other teams are taking normal shot attempts and making them at a better rate. It never did a goddamn thing for his team.

You should go stomp her out for liking shit you don’t like. Fuck that girl. Kill her whole family, the bitch.

I fractured my fibula and had a severe grade 2 sprain (took 4-6 months for 90% recovery) of my soleus from a basketball collision and I too dragged myself off the court and drove myself home. The psychological harm was somehow more distressing than the physical pain. Doesn’t mean that other people are the way we are.

Have you ever had a major injury? A bone fracture, a muscle tear, a tendon rupture? Trust me, you can get to tears from pain as an adult.

Is this a real take? You act like you can’t primarily follow one team and also be appreciative of the sport/art as a whole? I can’t believe someone would be so stupid as to argue this.

He’ll never be a Lakers legend if he doesn’t win, and he’s not going to win there. It’s not the Cavs, where one championship makes you a legend for the rest of recorded history. He could win a pair of rings and still be a third-tier Lakers “legend.”

I’m a Knicks “fan,” so believe me when I say that this is not homerism, but LeBron’s greatest mistake will always be leaving Philly on the table when they had a max slot waiting for him on a 52-win team. He would instantly make them EC Finalists and let them coast to 62+ wins, tacking another 2-3 Finals appearances

It won’t matter if she’s as awful as Trump. He’ll get a boost in the polls as we liberals eat each other over Warren’s dumb, thoughtless gesture. Republicans love this shit.

You are giving far too much fucking credit to the intellect and appreciation for nuance of Michael Kay.

Then laugh at it. If she gets 10,000 people to sign up and even 10% of them vote, how is that a bad thing? It’s laughable to think that all of those new voters are going to sit at home when they literally just signed up a month before the election.

No, but that won’t stop the editors of The Root from trying to create so many intersectional identities that we can’t even agree that Republicans are the true enemy of all us commoners.

That’s it: keep fracturing that Democratic base. The Republicans don’t give a fuck about our internal squabbling so long as it makes us weaker against their united, fascist front.

Your idea about alternate jurors is factually wrong.

An “oven-safe” dutch oven that only allows up to 300 degrees? Pass.

An “oven-safe” dutch oven that only allows up to 300 degrees? Pass.

I owe my marriage to my bacon, egg and cream cheese sandwiches: the bacon is fried in ghee, the eggs are fried in some reserved bacon grease/ghee combo, and I use toasted Trader Joe’s pretzel bagels, slightly browned.

Just like the average police officer.

Are you mad because you have no marketable, high-demand skills?


Watch a video on the water bead method of testing the pan. It’s foolproof.

Watch a video on the water bead method of testing the pan. It’s foolproof.

Watch a video on the water bead method of testing the pan. It’s foolproof.

Watch a video on the water bead method of testing the pan. It’s foolproof.