They’re still in business but no longer give a shit about video games.
They’re still in business but no longer give a shit about video games.
Life is simply unfair, don’t you think?
Yeah, okay, so sure - one guy got 60 bracelets... but in another timeline, 60 guys got one bracelet! Don’t be so narrowminded.
Great list. I really think that Wild Arms belongs on here though. That soundtrack is really great.
I feel like the it’s the opposite IMO, rather than just releasing a set amount of new pokemon each Gen this feels like they are making an effort in trying to keep the original pokemon fresh and exciting
Fantastic, now I need to go dig up all of my victims and put them somewhere else. Thanks, Nintendo!
Even while taking a leak, he was concerned about the leak.
Hey buddy. I feel like all games should be preserved. Everyhing from Suda’s games, to the one you worked on, to the stupid shareware-era DOS Breakout clones made by a 12 year old in the mid 90s. Everything.
You, post-modern god of conspiracy, that’s really brilliant :)
This whole Norman Reedus thing is a ruse. Death Stranding will be a stealth game starring Hideo Kojima, where you must infiltrate E3 to announce Death Stranding.
“Even when going to the bathroom, I had to go to a separate restroom,” he said.
I was gonna write “inb4 all the ignorant and racist bullshit” but there’s already a “fuck off” comment, so I guess I’m too late.
...and yet shitbags only remain shitbags because no one has bothered to curb-stomp the shitbag out of them.
I’m not going to go on as if I’m an Internet Tough Guy, because I have absolutely no idea what I’d do in this situation; I hope I’d stand up, fight back, and try to prevent the fuckbag from being a fuckbag—but I…
It similar to how the swastika had many meanings before it was used by the Nazis.
You have to thank the mainstream media and politicians for this idiocy.
I thought you weren't meant to make it scarier.