Is till haven’t even finished Symphonia on GC!
Is till haven’t even finished Symphonia on GC!
Every time I see a comment on here questioning something you've wrote in your articles, you seem to always get your back up about it and become patronising in your reply. You're not overtly rude, just defensive. All. The. Time.
No mate, platforms aren't cancerous. Certain people who use them are. You might as well say "the Internet is cancer" by that deformed logic.
The guy writes kotaku comments like he's being graded. He says one para graph worth of points in 12 paragraphs.
Jesus christ, I think you may be closer in personality than you think to these "repugnant" and "detestable" people. Way to fly off the handle.
Dude, evolution is EXACTLY trial and error.
C'mon dude...
So Quistis telling squall she has feelings for him is sexual harassment? Get help buddy.
“hopefully they cut their hair”
The DuelShock4 is already a pro controller.
I think the fact that such a percentage of people who bought the original switch still want a lite version is interesting and would like to hear why! ( further probing required )
Google it once, then you know forever.
I actually agree with everything you said. I just get a feeling from your writing that you craft your comments with the express intent of being starred. I've never known a more milquetoast commenter, never really having your own opinion, just kind of reiterating what was said in the article (very eloquently, mind).
“nobody over the age of 6 is going to buy shoes that have NARUTO all down the side”
“But there’s more ways to lampoon corporate sexualization of bodies in marketing without completely reproducing out outright.”
haha the trauma
You have no idea what you are talking about.
(Pedant) In EVERY sense of the word? Would a bolt of Square-enix branded lightning come from the sky as shock you thoroughly?
LOL! auto-battle....
Without those ‘reams’ of political exposition, the things happening would make little sense. It’s deffo not for people eager for instant gratification.