
I’m on a tightrope, baby, nine miles high
Striding through the clouds on my ribbon in the sky

a wheeeeeeeel of understanding

What a coincidence.

I really appreciate that you highlighted the name of the game in italics incase i didn’t recognise it.

“He’s a pompous idiot that routinely comments on things he knows NOTHING about”.

Great hyperbole. $50 more than a wii u for a switch? You must be smoking some awesome crack.

I was somewhat unsure when i first heard the announcement, but after playing it, i think it works far more effectively in FPV.
Like the other guy said, i think you would be doing yourself a disservice if you shunned it because of this.

Just read the description of that petition.

That’s the dumbest thing iv’e ever heard.


I noticed a keypad in the later part of the game that used resident evil 2/3 SFX which filled me with mirth. That’s about as deep as any of the connections go, as far as i noticed.