Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.

I hardly think we should be using FF13 as the poster boy for how long games take to make on the PS3. Didn't SE say it was impossible to make towns in that game? While every other current gen JRPG had no problem making them whatsoever? There are plenty of massive games that don't take nearly that long to make.


Gold star or not. I know companies don't have an infinite amount of money.

I never liked the upgrade system. There's never enough loot to go around, and it feels like you can only upgrade 1/10th of what you'd like too.

Is the PSP dead already? Its the number 1 selling console in japan.

How cheap were you selling it?

The year Sega made a comeback!

The PSP is easier to hack than the DS. You don't need to buy anything.

The big difference being, the DS's target audience doesn't know how to or doesn't care to pirate games.

That is a REALLY ugly chest for 100 dollars, forget 4500 dollars!

Except video game sequels are usually better. Not so with movies.

Were hoping to hear more about that at E3.

Oh, that's a reasoned rebuttal.

Microsoft is a big question mark at this E3. Nobody has any idea what they will be showing.

FF7 re-release maybe?

double post

For almost 5 grand? No, no we would not.

They may focus a lot on Uncharted 3 and the NGP. But it would be nice to get some surprises from that camp.

Nintendo should have their strongest E3 in years.

Heavenly Sword.