Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.

Its a mod.

How can this guy be suing Sony? His case is weak enough as it is trying to sue Bethesda, but Sony?

I thought it was Adventure island.

No, but I do read a ton of it. Mostly surrounding the Final Fantasy universe.

I really liked Kefka.

I think the system that allows such ridiculous lawsuits to even be filed is as pathetic as the individual who files them.

Awesome, right on. I've been looking for something a little more advance.

No problem. Let me know how it all goes.

Lol, I wish.

Cause? No

Oh, its a ROUS's.

I thought the same thing, no way that's right.

I find squirrels to be a more challenging prey.

I'm going to say:

What do you think of Rise Against's new album?

I have no idea, I've been scratching my head over this forever.

I hope so, its one of my favorite games this gen.

Yeah, it was a pretty big deal.

Lol, funnily enough, after gone paintballing probably 100 times, I've never been shot in the nuts. And I never wear a cup.

Sure, no problem. As I've said to Albino Baboon, there is nothing overly technical or difficult about making these.