Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.

And on it, contained the all the knowledge of the human race.

"Anyone who claims they hate all sequels is lying to themselves."

I want 80% sequels, and 20% new IP.

Is anyone else here getting tired of the constant misuse of the word troll?

All they can use it for is ID. They might sell it to somebody who vaguely looks like you, usually just to get into bars and stuff, or depending on your age, to pawn stuff.

The second was, the first was done by Square.

"I feel that most FF articles have an obvious, and unnecessary negative slant to them."

Even on my PSP with save states, I had problems beating it.

I apologize, English is my second language. No need to be a douche about it.

My wife and I love Netflix, and we have quite a few TV's in the house, and each one needs to have a console to stream netflix attached to it. Plus I'm a sucker for "special edition" sku's.

Don't forget: Secret of Mana and Breath of Fire.

Yeah no doubt, J-Pop are the best songs to dance too. It just matches the style.

I can tell you right now, my comment has a HELL of a lot more "point" than does yours.

For some reason, I know a lot of people who carry their SIN card on them at all times.

Once I dropped the 200$ on the hard mat, I never looked back.

Oh yeah, that dance sequence that goes on way longer than it should.

God I love Actraiser. Especially number 2.

probably ff7. It just has the most "mass" appeal.

I have 2 PS'3s and 3 360's. So I'm good either way.

Just tell me you were smart enough to not have your social security or birth certificate in there.