
Yet so far, they didn't have either of them react the way you think they would given that incomplete information. But maybe if they had, it would seem even more absurd that she wouldn't whip out the photo. If they separate her from them next week and then have them go on a hunt for Evie, I'm going to be really irked.

Great episode for the most part, but I was annoyed by a repeat of the dynamic from "LOST" where characters heighten dramatic tension by not sharing information they should obviously share. Here, Laurie tells Matt and John that Kevin told her he saw Evie, but she insists Kevin was undergoing a psychotic break and

I loved "fo guck yourselg", and Todd's description of his first time: "orgasm after orgasm…".

I don't watch TNT, but if they have a show like that please point me to it because I would watch the hell out of that.

I'm glad not to see people complaining that they want to go back to Mike and Gus. The fanbase seems to have shifted in a way I'm very happy to see.

Really excellent writeup, almost literary.

I had no idea what the song was over the opening credits: all I knew is that Lindelof was being goofy for some reason I couldn't quite perceive.

"But it’s not enough to quell Nora’s mounting grief, which by the end of the episode is so great that she’s willing to fly to Melbourne at short notice with $20,000 in cash to pay for the radiation procedure."

Wasn't she in Austin? But yeah, for sure not in Jarden, unless you think Norah crossed the bridge twice for some reason that wasn't shown before the third time we saw.

There has been plenty of "ink" expended talking about the high quality writing and acting here. But what about the set design? This world looked much better thought out, more inhabited, than what we normally see in TV sci-fi, I thought.

Haha, right on. Yeah, I think they could have shown something different if they really wanted it to look grim.

Ohhh…so I wasn't totally off. Interesting, thanks!

I want a box with a hand that turns itself off! Please tell me someone is selling those now.

OMG, I've heard people say this and always thought it was charming, but I never before knew what they were saying. I thought it was more whimsically nonsensical, like "maresy dotes an' dozy dotes an' little lambsy divey".

YES! I had seen him in various things before that (most notably "Twin Peaks"), but he was so perfect as the Devil, I can't see him as anything else now. When he grins that grin of his with the twinkling eyes, I just assume he's got some kind of diabolical mischief brewing.

I disagree: look at the toilet thing in the end. I would say it's just a math fail on the part of Hawley et al. If they wanted it to be the swinging '70s, they should have made the "kid" more like thirty, and Ennis in his sixties instead of 82.

I agree: this bugged me (as did the producer still being alive, although that's at least possible). Looking up the actors' ages, they are 48 years apart, not 35. But it actually makes it worse if they said Ennis was 82—I didn't catch that. He was clearly portrayed as a naive "kid" in 1975, not a 47 year old.

The stuff with Gus and Hector was fine, but I was relieved when Kim popped up a little over halfway through. Jimmy and Kim is definitely my favorite part of the show.

Yeah, I don't understand why they didn't make her a baby or toddler on BCS.

I thought her apartment looked pretty decent, the "snack" looked tasty, and the cast iron skillet she was using looked pretty sweet.