
I don't think the kid is aware.

Oh crap, you're right—I didn't catch that!

I like this theory! So why do you think they picked him of all people?

I'm just wondering what the actual science is. Could something like this work, non-dangerously?

Right, and there are other things that don't make sense in retrospect:

Why did Jon and all the "free folk" need to come through the gate? (Other than providing a scene of tension as we wondered whether his First Ranger would let Jon and the wildlings in.) Wouldn't they just take the ships to a port just south of the Wall?

Huh, I didn't see any who seemed uncomfortable, and in fact I was very surprised by that. It seems like he'd have a good chance of getting a mutiny the moment he told them "yeah, take my daughter up there and burn her at the stake". Problem being not just that it's evil, but it makes him look totally unhinged and

What about the soldiers that dragged her to the stake, and all those who stood and watched it? They seemed to take it in stride, whereas I'd think it would tend to make them see Stannis as yet another "Mad King".

Yeah, I was thinking some of the same things, but at the same time I give them a partial pass because when a character is playing a scene without dialogue, they are expected/directed to try to convey their inner feelings and conflicts with facial expressions. When it's a case where someone is supposed to be trying to

Agreed, and that storyline is kind of dragging…except that I impressed (and cracked up) my kids when I totally called the predictable trope and said, a beat ahead of the other young woman apprenticed to Jaqen, "she's not ready".

Oh, I thought you meant "without any kind of defense" in the way a fan would mean it: a team that gives up tons of points. I see what you mean now, but I do think they should also have shown the defense in action. How is it not exciting to show them getting sacks, interceptions, or making goal line stands at the end

I agree about lamenting their not showing defense actually *playing*, but they had plenty of games that were super low scoring, indicating that the defense was in fact good.

And they never show the defense doing anything, even in the low-scoring games where the "D" clearly won it for them.

It wasn't to try to cash in on an eventual NFL career, it was a booster move for their favorite college football team. An immediate benefit, and still slimy even without a financial payoff.

I'm embarrassed that I even watched it. But I kept reading about this movie that was sensationally popular in red and blue states, and got curious. It's really a piece of trash, and given that it's "based on a true story", pretty offensive.

I have replied to comments years later, so you are fine in my book!

Not to me. I recently got HBO NOW (I'm a cord cutter), have been enjoying the first three episodes of this show, and only learned from this comment thread that the actor died.

I read it three years after it aired!

I read it three years after it aired!

I search on Bing all the time. My phone makes me search for Google on Bing before I can search on Google, so usually I don't bother.