
A prominent Harvard researcher believes there is a strong link between autism and diet, and has published a book through Harvard's press on the topic. That would seem to me to put it a long, looong way from anti-vaxers:

More specifically, he said she was breaking bad a la Walter White. Great call, Todd! I hope the Parenthood podcast will be back soon.

She's a buzzkill. But as you say, she is a realistic type that is underrepresented on TV. I would steer clear of her IRL but I like having her in the mix here.

My daughter is on the autism spectrum and my wife is a special ed teacher. We enjoy this storyline; and my sense is that it is no more unrealistic than anything else you'll find in a TV drama.

How do you mean?

That does have the potential to be a very interesting plotline, you are right.

I agree but would go further and say that I really liked the Margaret plot lines. So I find all the complaints really hard to take.

I think it's fair to assume Sparks wouldn't have the skin melting mic because John's tech is at the very cutting edge of his field.

I like hard sci-fi and I do like this pretty well. What are the superior hard sci-fi shows currently airing on TV? I mean, we've got to work with what we actually have to pick from.

I think you have a great point, that it may be a little of this and a little of that but not enough of any one thing to grab most people. (There's a phrase for that phenomenon on the tip of my tongue.) But I definitely think it's better by far than everything you mentioned except GOT (and Stargate if we limit it to

I agree. I had this as a B+ show all season (which is really high for CBS), but then I thought the last episode made it to A- territory. It's not as good overall as the best cable dramas, but I like me a sci-fi fix now and again, and I can't think of any currently airing SF show that's as good as this is.

And look how that turned out.

I totally know what you mean. It's interesting to ponder what this development means for online discussion of content.
So after reflecting on that, do you think maybe ten episodes is an awfully long time to not drop any hints about Jared being the culprit?
I also still think it's really weird that they brought in

Ah, you are like me, watching shows months (or for me, sometimes years) later and then going through the comment threads. :)

The tropical green screen was terrible but the snow looked quite real, and I think it was.

Yeah, no. No offense, but that would freak me out if my wife was rooting for Claire and Frank.

And that's also a big part, I think, of why I have given up on this show but consider BB the greatest TV show ever. I don't want to ride along with such an evil protagonist (protagonists, given his wife) who was that way all along. On BB too there were others like Jesse, Skyler, and Hank to root for. Here they had

Right, exactly…and I was so down with "cynical West Wing"! I would still be so down with a "cynical West Wing" if someone would make it. Whereas Scandal and that kind of OTT schlock, no thanks. Really disappointed: this series had so much potential and then went down the tubes.

It's not as obviously bad as Scandal (which I quit watching a few minutes into the second episode), but that just means it wasted more of my time. As Side Item said upthread, it turned into a pretentious Scandal slowly, so that right up until the Russo murder I thought it was a really good show.

Maybe. I found it really upsetting, although I must be watching it wrong myself because it led me to stop watching the series.