
Your like Bevis and I get nothing but head

Lol. Craziest gif ever. And every two years, most information gets outdated

So that's why I can't make red heads cum.

No. The speaker is on the other side.

I wasn't joking. Dude. In the game she has all these tubes in the back of her hair like predator. That's one of my favorite scenes. Where seph is talking to JENOVA. Wait. Where is this image from?

you idiot, the dumbest president GEORGE BUSH passed law where they can tap in your phone and arrest you if you look like a terrorist. I'm pretty sure most terrorist dress like a normal citizen.

GreenMantis got PWNED haha

c'mon cajun, common sense. GUNS have advantages with criminals b/c they draw it out first. They kill you without even being seen from 30 feet away. COMMON SENSE. even if i get robbed with a gun, you damn right I'm giving him all my money even if i had 10 thousand in my pockets with a gun. no way i'm risking my

Guns only help the BAD GUYS. criminals will have the gun out before you do if they are robbing you, you can either give them your money, or risk taking your gun out but may get shot for it. if the criminal was going to kill you, he'd have the gun out before you even noticed him and you'd be dead.

WOW, i can't believe you said that. The government has AUTOMATIC WEAPONS, the average gun owner does not. THEY HAVE GRENADES, MISSILES, TANKS, JETS, TECHNOLOGY.

This is off topic. We are talking about GUNS SHOULD BE BANNED IN AMERICA except cops and etc...

Robbery is much harder when all you have is knives and the police have guns. Go to Korea

we aren't talking about wether it could be possible. We are saying IT SHOULD BE BANNED. and you know damn right, if we banned guns, the murder rate would go down. common sense


"Finally, why do people seem to think that gun control = crime control? Look at the UK. After enacting one of the strictest gun control policies in world in 1997, has there been a remarkable drop in the number of gun crimes each year? No! They have increased in almost every year up to 2007, which is the latest year I

nicely said

Mr Neandy Erthal, thank you for the book recommendations. But could you please re read my first comment? I wasn't thinking I was better than someone b/c of my $80k car. it was proving a point how great siri was. Do you think I would've had this many replies if i said $20k Honda? Honestly. I'm seriously not

Sucks some people would for $50. Bc Philadelphia has seen more murders than days in February once.

It's so funny. If I stated I drive a $20k Honda, I would have no replies.

funny, if I said $20k Honda no one would be hating.