

I'm sorry I'm a dick. But it was fun seeing you make everyone upset hehe. I love Audi, especially the R8 the google maps on the A7 is ridiculous. and the pad where you write letters is amazing because you don't have to look at the screen. Audi's pricing is great too. again I'm really sorry for coming at you. I'm

Unfortunately I'm not a child, but I don't edit a comment, is this a job application? who cares?

Funny how people can talk trash on someone they have no idea about

they're just as big if not bigger, unless the photo i saw was phot shopped

a friend of my mine has a master key to Honda or acura i forget. and he joy rode them and left them in other malls. His friends threw his key away lol

Modern Mercedes key have a new code every time you push the button. So it probably was the corvette code or the corvette guy just luckily pressed the button at same time.

I hope your right. Bc I just got sprint and I get a sucky .7 Mbps at best avg

I never use Siri in public b/c it seems like I'm showing off, but in the coupe, ALL THE EFFING TIME. LOVE IT. Siri understands me ALL THE TIME. I don't talk too fast and i speak clearly, maybe thats why it's awesome for me

Hahahahahaha. Boofinch hit u hard

Nice apology to the public! hahahahahahaha lol

LOL, I own every system so I don't have to go online and say which one is best! lol All i know is Wii has the worst graphics and beat your Microsoft by sales. You should cry b/c your KING was beaten by 640P graphics lol. lol. lol. I bet Audi makes the best cars?

LOL Deals??? I think not...their Mercedes Benz is STILL starting at $33,000 and STILL underperforms a Subara STI for that price....For that price i got my V6, over 300HP car...what a joke

AND I GUARANTEE, that your iMac has equally or better sound than your Plasma or LCD TV. Unless you own a high end set or the BOSE TV lol.

You must not know about audio technology. SIZE MATTERS. For that small space the sound is amazing. Just ask any Gizmodo staff or Cnet editor. Come sit in my CLK55 with Bose, or better yet, my S-Class. I KNOW SOUND. lol

CPU brand and frequency shows the RELEASE DATE or Model of my iMac. Don't know when or if they upgraded speakers, but I'm pretty impressed for the small space on the bottom. That's all.

There's over 10 different versions of models of iMacs, Don't know if i have updated speakers or not but just saying they are amazing on that model.

WOW +1

Seriously spot on. I can get a 5D mk ii but I know I can't bring it everywhere, and it's a real inconvenience. My Canon G series that records RAW images is awesome. I'm going to get the Canon S100 which is even smaller with RAW, 1080p and I do own a iPhone 4S which is pretty decent except at night.

My 27" iMac quad i5 2.66ghz has amazing sound ! I'm pretty sure it's not worth to get speakers unless they were actually bigger bc bigger speakers generally r better