
As games get bigger pro scenes and enter the “esports” realm, the pros end up being generally less toxic. Big sponsers dont want to support ragers that make their brand look bad.

I agree these read fake, but Amazon is a huge company. Maybe they could find a dozen or so employees in warehouses who are stupid or delusional enough to believe that their job is a good job. Who gives a shit either way though. As others have pointed out, most of the horror stories come from temps not actual Amazon emp

I bet she had some strong opinions on Hillary’s email server.

Its great if youre a republican or racist. Even the “liberal media” will walk on eggshells and write sympathetic sounding pieces about your kind. 

Dont mind him. Just a “moderate”(definitely not a party shill) who cant stand the slightest criticism of his favored political party.

Holy shit this is a false equivalency on par with your average Republican talking point, but thats not surprising considering the source. We get it, you dont like Splinter.

Id like to see the roadmap on how these people get to thinking a guy who testified under oath is equally as trustworthy as a guy whose lawyer argued on national TV that the truth is not the truth.

Theres the truth *said in positive tone while nodding*

Wow its almost if Republicans have been arguing in bad faith and concern trolling for decades!

We might get another round of “Now is the time for Republicans to stand against Trump” articles, tho.

Its amazing how you smug people can continue to criticize Splinter for writing these types of articles when theyre consistently right about this kind of stuff.

Trump delaying hush money payment to a pornstar as long as possible is probably the most Trump thing. Perfectly encapsulates what an absolute shitbag this guy is.

Not as sad as the fact that both phrases can be used to accurately describe most if not all of Trumps policies.

I grew up in a part of Pennsylvania where this is a problem. 3 of my high school friends have died from ODs and those 3 are only a small percentage of the total number of people i went to high school with who have OD’d. Its depressing going back and seeing “struggling with addiction?” billboards everywhere, yet nobody

Anyone who didnt attend Trump University is destroying America!!

Its true in the sense that the protesters hate everything about Fox News’ “America".

Find me the progressive that secretly wishes that Democrats would not impeach Trump given the chance. What a stupid assertion.

Way to just gloss over what the article gets at to bitch about Stein voters. Why didnt Hillary listen to an upper Midwest native about how people there werent excited to vote for her? I know its much easier to blame Stein voters than realize the Dems ignored several red flags leading up to the election, tho...

That last paragraph was very intersting. Conservatives really do just assume white liberals are playing the race card when they say they care about race issues because conservatives really cant comprehend that someone thinks differently from them. 

“Following the shooting the FBI admitted that it had, in fact, been warned about Cruz’s “gun ownership, desire to kill people, [and] erratic behavior,” as well as the fact that he posed the potential to become a school shooter. He was also reportedly well known to local law enforcement, who had been called to his home