
The level of incompetence of these people would be hilarious if this were a SitCom and not real life...


It reminds me of when you get some shitbag conservative who tried to argue that liberals should hate Muslims because the most “extreme” Muslim sects are very conservative, especially with women. Oddly enough they never make the same argument against Christianity despite “extreme” Christians causing problems in this

Its not just the senate either. Small state Republicans have more voting power in the House and Electoral College, too. Yet all i hear is how coastal elites are ruining these poor people’s lives.

Im not sure about his weight, but he is definitely lying about his height. Hes probably like 5'11.5". 6'1" at best.

I scroll down to the comments right away on articles about Richard Spencer to watch this a few times. Gets me primed for the article...

Please do go on. That was the most inaccurate rant i have ever seen. Please, continue to dig yourself deeper.

Thanks for the personal attacks, entitled person.

Only trolls complain about echo chambers.

You clearly dont understand what entitled means which is embarassing since you quoted the definition.

They can build a platform, but they cant message it at all. Hillary had plans. They were on her website and they were honestly not that bad. The problem is they were all DC policy Wonk shit and people want a soundbyte. Any time you pressed Hillary people on what she stood for in 2016 you got “look at her website! its

This place is constantly bombarded by trolls(loke you) and half the regular posters are moderates. As far as blogs go this is far from an echo chamber.

This blog is fringe extreme if you watch Fox News, yeah. The rest of the world calls it “left”.

Mr “i paid off my college loans so fuck everyone else” calling someone else entitled is just fantastic. Thanks for the smile.

It really is amazing how they do the same shit to progressives that Republicans do to Democrats. Combine that with their constant lamenting that people dont get out to vote for their (mostly shitty) candidates and youd almost begin to think that they actually want to be Republicans.

I will get that explanation to you after you give me an explanation as to why generations before felt it was fair to enact policies that led to jacking up the cost of a college dipolma to astronomical levels.

How they reconcile with being totally fine with the DNC influencing primary elections while screaming to the high heavens about Russian interference in 2016, ill never know.

“Sit down and shut up”

You now what’s frustrating?

Lol if u think anyone they replace them with would hsve a shred of integrity.