
That last tweet makes no fucking sense at all, and while that is not surprising, it is surprising at just how little fucking sense it makes.

This is what happens when 2 generations prioritize never making (mostly white, male, and well off) people feel bad about their shitty wrong opinions. You get Grown Adults praising another Grown Adult for shittily defending their dumb wrong opinions to Teens.

Female interns. That way theyre not in those inconvenient “baby making years” and you dont even have to pay them!!!

Theyre using it for leverage. Its pretty clear.

Republicans are the ones holding tbe federal government hostage over DACA. Stop buying in to their talking points.

Every time a Dem speaks about DACA they need to repeatedly point out Republicans have no interest in DACA. Thats its nothing but a bargaining chip for them. Dont try to sell shitty compromises as good. Tell the people why their only choices are shitty and shittier.

Youre not trying to convince Fox News viewers and Republicans. They cant be turned and the Democrats need to stop caring what they think. Hillary Clinton could personally cure a Fox News viewers cancer and theyd still chant lock her up.

I posted this somewhere else but is like the Dems hold a committee on an issue, debate it internally, run a focus group/polling, then decide on their narrative. By then Republicans and Fox News have been running with their narrative for months. Always 3 steps behind.

To piggyback on this, thats why it is so frustrating to see people saying we need to cut a deal or the Dems will be blamed for shutting down the government. So lets just buy into a Republican narrative because???? Its admitting defeat before even trying to take a stand.

I definitely agree. I see it from both sides and its infuriating. There is obviously room for debate on how the Dems should go about trying to get DACA and keep the government running, but lets not blame “neolibs” or “the left” for this shit. Its all on the party that controls all 3 branches of Government.

Na, man. Hillary was all about the down ballot. Remember when she bragged about raising all that money for down ballot candidates(then kept it all for her kwn failed campaign).

In fairness, Democrats are at a large disadvantage in the PR department. Republicans just have to say something verbatim or blame the Dems and their base will blindly believe them regardless of whether or not it is factual or believable

They can and are! Its amazing and it makes no sense, but ive seen countless posts on this very site buying into it, too. People on the left are saying that these budget bandaid deals are good because we got CHIP funded or we kept the government open(but didnt extend DACA) nevermind these things are only problems that

I dunno about try-hard but she seems like one of those people obsessed with “nuance” and “seeing all sides” where those 2 things include the opinions of the people in their own sheltered world and nobody elses.

Democrats lose because of people like you. Admitting defeat before a fight. Im coming after you every time i see you post this “dems will lose 2018 if they shut down the government” shit. Its based on nothing. Knock it off.

Will you knock it the fuck off with this shit?

Lemme know when CNN runs several shows on something as ridiculous as “is Obama a Kenyan Muslim”. Call me when Wolf Blitzer becomes Glenn Beck.

Hilarious that your post starts out saying that people shouldnt blame Democrats then you say that Democrats shouldnt shut down the government. If there is a government shutdown how the fuck is it the Democrats fault?

Cant afford:

The CEO at CNN reached out the the DNC on how to increase ratings and they really took the “try to placate people who will hate you no matter what” advice to heart.