
Thats what Republicans do. Theyre experts at moving the goalposts. So much so the Dems were going to fund his pointless wall before Trump pulled the rug out from them. What is also unfortunate is that the stupid pointless wall is the only thing Trump seems to actually care about. I fear we are in for a year of Trump

Yup. They eat up his childish name calling and temper tantrums. Anything that makes “the libs” mad is good to these people.

Nice strawman.

The circlejerk so strong it lost to Trump. Keep it up!!!

This post is hilarious given this thread has turned into a circle jerk of anti-Bernie posts. But yeah, the “BernieBros” sure are dividing this party...

Cadet Bone Spurs is the early leader for burn of the year.

I never said i was. Just that it was a garbage post. I know you couldnt help but get a strawman in with your concern troll.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this garbage.

1. Democrats

Consider the source.

Im sure the people who are forcibly removed from their families will be happy to know people with good government jobs can make their car payments.

Yeah it cost Republicans dearly in 2014 and 2016.

Well put.

Im 100% sure there are more people in “economic anxiety” in urban areas than rural. We only give a shit about the Trump voters because they actively vote against their own best interests.

Out of all the criticisms of the DNC, this is the dumbest.

Agreedo. Im mostly amazed by the rights ability to turn a blind eye toward anyone with an “R” next to their name...

You are right. At best, Republican talking points are bullshit. At worst, they are cartoonishly evil.

I personally loved Heidi’s crocodile tears for “small” banks(worth 50-250bil). If only they didnt have these oppressive(sane) regulations they could be successful(being worth less than 250bil makes you a failure btw)...

Its endlessly frustrating that liberals are constantly asked to “consider the other side” yet the “other side” is just bullshit. Who dont Jim Bob and Sally Jo in Bumblefuck, TN have to consider the plight/opinion of poor city folk? Why do i never see that spin?

Thats funny, i only hear about these Bernie supporters when someone wants to bitch about Bernie supporters in general. Usually with a dubious sounding story. Nah, couldnt be. These BernieBros decrying identity politics TOTALLY EXIST.