
That’s kinda scary for $49 dollars, someone can invade your privacy and find out your habits and anything online.

Steph curry and I’m not saying that to be a hater but his style to that team made the team run and he generated the offense and oh, he won. You can’t give an award to someone that loses. A trophy no less.

Losers don’t deserve any trophies, imo. That’s like giving Russell Westbrook the reagular season MVP. Makes no sense.

No outrage for deceit? Makes you take e3 with grain of salt. The guardian had to be a pc build when it debuted in 09

Lebdron — Lebedrin my bruddah!

Seth Rollins is relieved.

At first, I thought from the title he was talking about men cause I had no idea what was WWC(sorry, don’t keep up with futbol).

What I’ve seen from comments on the internet that makes me bring up a point

Bill Simmons started a formula that no one has matched. I for one, love it. I hope woj finds success cause yahoo sucks outside Marc Spears and Adrian Woj

I didnt’ say he did it on purpose I meant that Kevin love said he did it on purpose. To which I ask how can a lanky white guy pull your arm on purpose with pretty much a forarm pull? It was an accident and I do think he’s soft kevin love. I dont know what it is, him, kyrie and other repeatedly injured players I think

It is to me when it gets pulled by another lanky white guy and said it was done on purpose.

You win.

love and irving who both has a tendency to get injured..

and none of them will be a factor this playoffs or really this season. Lebron has the tendency to make shit look like gold. At the end of the day, its still shit.(not talking about mozgov)

Why would anyone pay premium price and concession food prices to watch a team get blown out by 40? Stupid fans can be stupid fans, but I live in reality. I still support my team, but I’ll keep the 100+ in my pocket.

freakin’ awesome lol

I don’t think people are mad that riley is up there, I think they are mad that reporters can’t ask their dumbass questions and to be honest, she has distracted the press conference a few times, I don’t think its fair to call people dicks or be conscending to people that don’t agree. She wasn’t like paul’s son. Paul’s

nice, when I first saw the post, it was censored and I was disappointed. Now I’m not. And rimjobs, fucking awesome.

Wait a min. Sorry to be ignorant but there is more than one woman in NASCAR? The last woman I’ve known was Danica patrick. Man this is awesome

It does ruin the process when shes being disruptive. If she was sitting down and waving, I don’t think anyone would mind. I love riley though so I let it pass, but I’m a basketball fan I want to hear him talk about game 5 more so than games 1-4 and the warriors first trip to the finals in 40 yrs and talk about the