Not Kojima’s problem anymore lol.
Not Kojima’s problem anymore lol.
also pc gaming is more mainstream now than it was back then. You have some games that are selling much better on PC than they are with the xbox one.
..and shortly there after, pc gaming market was crashing...if it weren’t for steam. I don’t see your argument holding any weight lol.
This shit makes me want to go back to my ps4.
How much money can you REALLY make as a modder? Say you’re a small team or a guy, you sell 100,000 copies, valve is only going to give you 25,000 then you take out taxes how much are you really getting?
Because he wants to fund the project of transferring the head, which is fair. What donors is he going to find for this? Not many will touch this, if it succeeds, yes. If not, they won’t. So he needs to get the money somewhere else.
He wants to die so he can become a martyr among Islamic extremists
I tried to make my name negro something cause it sounded cool and for my character, come to find it negro was forbidden. Man.
I was the samee way, decided to stick with it. I can’t go back, unless its for flying. I get more kills while everyone uses a controller and most teams Ive been on use kb for survival
Driving is not that bad on KB.. Flying in the other hand...
My settings are on very high and still don’t go over. Stay at 3.3GB On 970 as well. He/she needs to turn off vysnc and enable adaptive vsync through the control panel. imo
I had to turn off vsync in game and enbable adaptive vsync through nvidia control panel. After than it ran smooth
See, Ed this is why I told you we shouldn’t release for pc. We can’t rip off consumers!
Ha, try being in the WWE. Not only do you have to file in almost every state, you also have to take in account taxes that normally come out of peoples checks. In WWE, they pay you tax free leaving it up to you to take out for taxes every paycheck etc.
Thanks for convincing me to skip the ppv. Both of these bitches hate women, fuck them both.
Hes kinda right. I’ll see terrible games rated high, but the metacritic user rating dispute it and sure enough, it is shit.
I agree.
Your vram must take a beating though lol.
thats what they said with 720...Next!