
Probably custom skins&shit... I like it when they sit in the subway and all they can do is to customize the interface, while the iphone people play dead space :p.

It's still there.

Just so you know, iCloud HAS a picture backup feature in Settings/iCloud/Storage & Backup/your device/Camera Roll. Photo Stream is used for synchronizing the pictures among your devices.

it already does... Sam just doesn't want to understand! It's in the BACKUP feature of the cloud... They should have called the damn thing Photo Sync to avoid the confusion!

There is a difference in the way ios and android manage the memory, while android keeps the apps open in multitasking, ios doesnt.

Let me tell u a couple of things!

This is the fuckin' Predator cat...

Don't forget that apple is the company who's introduced the "same price as last year" practice! If it would be more expensive for them, they would increase the price. In this manner, it's cheaper for them, so they can sell it at the same price as last year (maybe it's not the case with iphone4s).

Yep, that's because wimo7 has 10* users, while ios has above 200.000.000... it's little difference. We'll see if MS keeps the same policy when they'll reach that number.

maybe it's time to buy your wife a computer :p...

Hey Sam, photostream is not a backup service man, it's a photo sync one. For backup, u have the "backup camera roll" option in the icloud settings.

u're forgetting one important aspect! G+ pushed fb beyond it's previous limits, it created COMPETITION. Before g+ the fb mobile sucked soooooo fucking bad that a monkey could shit a better app, but now, things are a bit different.

Well, I thought the same thing a few of months ago and I bought an Atrix. The most important app in my case was a good rss reader and after 2 months with the atrix and after trying at least 10 different android apps, I couldn't find anything even close to Reeder from ios. If an app was fast, it consumed the battery

Nokia will probably do what they do best, give u 1000 phones, each one with a special feature, that u won't find in the others, but none of them being the real deal.

As far as I know, voice recognition is not on the ipad at all.

If u don't sign in, u won't see traces of twitter anywhere on the os as opposed to android where even if u don't sign in, u still have the option to tweet a pic and so on. If u sign in, the option to tweet a pic or a link shows up, that's all. If u wanna read or post tweets u have to download the app.

Those outlines are drawn on the Pioneer and Voyager NASA probes that went out of the solar system in the 70s.

He shouldn't have aimed for the face!!!!

Ok, I'll quote myself "Anyway, regardless of the pros and cons of any platform, the best platform ever is the one YOU (as self) enjoy." So for me it's the iphone for u it's the android etc.

First I appologise for my tone! I got a bit out of my usual style when u mentioned that ios has a "simplified user experience that laymen can get their heads around" (that sounded like ios is made for stupid people only).