when it gets perfected, imagine cs and other shooter games with people using these mouses.
alot of child pron.
hiding in a hole
@jeremy_mccurdy: yet. i just hope i'm still alive to witness it.
@mobiusuk: html5 is relevant to everything :) its the future
@meehawl: it can't be helped that some people are fat and need the oversized cars.
its just iphones in hd. then comes the reader apps that are only good on the ipad.
@linky182: touché
i love how people enjoy watching men kick balls into nets.
replace all car seats with these chairs.
@Mars478: i prefer iPhone OS ty.
@han_s0lo: all fish die. poisoned water and other side effects.
@judacris: same
@johnnyabnormal:Why quicktime when theres other formats. AND most videos nowadays on the interwebz are HTML5 and Flash
@okneil: is it in options - home page?
@johnnyabnormal: ew quicktime.