I swear, this is one of those things where I read it and I'm crying and I wanna punch people and ahhhhhh why don't hugs work over the internet
I swear, this is one of those things where I read it and I'm crying and I wanna punch people and ahhhhhh why don't hugs work over the internet
I'd say that 3 victims is probably not the number this will end up being. I just don't see it STARTING with performing forcible sodomy on your professed girlfriend between passing periods in a school bathroom. It's just SO predatory and sociopathic and PRACTICED. There's no doubt, sadly, a series of previous victims -…
I had to take a break half-way through :(
Brian is an adult, so he will certainly be tried as one if this does go to trial.
"Brian" sounds like a psycho. He's definitely a predator. If the school won't do anything I hope he gets some serious jail time, TRIED AS AN ADULT. And if that doesn't work, then I sure hope somebody up there stomps a mudhole in his ass.
i can't read it all. not because of the length, but the horror.
You're not held to the libel standard on this board. Drop the alleged and fire away with both barrels. It's deserved.
"you can also just buy a box of cream cheese and make that your only food for the day." this is hilarious to me because i have totally done that when i was 1) poor and 2) very depressed (i also had crackers tho) & now it's a "plausible" "diet".
my brother was over weight as a teenager.He lost it all very fast when he moved to a different state. I asked him what his secret was and he said bacon and vodka.
I'm still stuck on $9 for a cup of bone broth! Isn't bone broth the kind of thing starving peasants made when they didn't have any other food? It's basically what you eat after you've already finished eating all the grass in the area, and right before you throw a full-on Donner Party.
Seriously, I spend $79 on food for the week. And 90% of that food is soup.
I'm sorry I wanted to read this but I am still stuck on the "79 dollars for a 1 day supply of food" part
Worst threesome ever.
And normcore.
I click expand and still can't read the text..?
Yeah, I looked it up as well and I call bullshit on the claim that they had NO IDEA they were serving whale meat. Seriously? Whale meat is friggin' DARK, and, honestly, looks more like raw beef liver than anything from a fish:
Materialism is actually a fascinating concept. The eternal God took on a material body, something we can touch and see. That's a miracle! And so it's right that our Christmas isn't just some religious idea in our heads and in our hearts that we think about and get goosebumps over. It should be able to download into…
Here we see someone conflating the concept of hypostatic union with that of economic materialism.
I was like....OK fine. Seems ridiculous but harml....oh my god what the everloving FUCK?
They have none. This is the standard example of the majority Christians claiming persecution etc. It's hilarious.