
"I care about your boner."

secret incel wizards

I also love period really helps with cramps.

but I can't bring myself to buy anything from them.

Pros: pretty, accentuate your ass, useful guide to how drunk you are.

Now playing

I think plucked and/or penciled in eyebrows look ridiculous.

I find the Double Finger really does the trick.

this is actually who I am and it's nice being "me."

I love him in Less Than Zero as the Coke Dealer / Coke Bully.

OMG. I was watching this surf movie from 1979 last night called California Dreaming. He was one of the surf bullies.

I think a lot of it is just training.

"My penis finds those things empowering!"

and forgets things after 2 minutes.

She's just not that bright.

Paris, you're wearing something that was out of style 7 years ago!

Adam Levine Valtrex Spreadsheets...….

I suspect it's amplified with how men treat women

Mmmmmmmm, MALE TEARS.

who the fuck wants to have sex with a man who pouts?