
Even if you are not ready, you can give a dog a loving home temporarily. Check in your area if your SPCA has short-term adoptions.

Depending on your skin-type and where you live, that will be a major factor.

You don't respect him.

I recommended this in another post, but I think it might be applicable to you. When people are manipulative (be it family, co-workers, in-laws, friends), I think it's really important to know that it's not you, but some nonsense control game they are playing. Once you know their rules, it's much better to beat them

Short hair look fresh. The short hair gives your personality and soie de vivre. Kudos.

Guys, I turn 25 tomorrow and for the last couple days I've been in a weird funk

she admitted to me that she *chose* my brother to be her favorite when we were toddlers because I was so close with my dad

Best Wishes.

People are idiots.

Any good Richard stories?

Now playing

There's a theme park in Orlando the Holy Land. I wanted to go so bad because it looked so insane. I just wanted to hit up the gift shop, but the $30 entrance fee…

These jeans. The golden ones.

Now playing

There's this old joke that if men can get pregnant abortion would be sacrament.

He just plucked at Julie Christie's hair and hacked off bits of it.

How was Steel Magnolias for you?

I have a roll of Spice Girls wrapping paper. Only very special friends on specials bdays get this treat.

what about a liquor icee truck?

Then he's going to do his little creepy laugh and try to put his hands on my lower back