
I'll one up you and say that too many modern games have you playing as a human dealing with anthropocentric issues. With all the possibility of modern game design, you'd think that less developers would be so hung up on that.

Even with natural predators, cats tend to fare pretty well in the wild and reproduce quite a bit to form large clans.

And this is different from nature how?

C++ is certainly the gold standard for games with high performance demands. But if you want to make a 2D platformer, you can go with languages that are much easier to learn and become efficient with, such as JavaScript, C#, Java, or even Python. You could even use an existing engine, like Unity or GameMaker Studio or

I'm guessing Flash, or some other Adobe product.

This is what's disconcerting about this whole "controversy". People are rushing to judgement without knowing anything about her beyond a few stills and a couple of brief video segments. It's beyond ridiculous - it's just a sad desire to create a controversy over the smallest thing.

Chances are you are a unicorn

Chances are you're judging Reddit based on what people have said here, and you've never actually browsed past the front page.

What kind of actual games do you play?

The concept of procedural rhetoric is entirely new to me and seriously sounds like something I need to check out. Thanks for all the info!

Here here! A commenter on Kotaku recently proposed that they wished more developers made games for experiences as opposed to fun. "Fun" falls under making experiences, but it opens up a much wider domain for artistry. I'm 100% behind this.

NASCAR, commonly derided as turning left for 400 miles,

I was either making fun of you, or continuing your joke. It really depends.

Correction, they are speaking North American. "America" is the entire continent. Sheesh.

If I had an iPad, I would buy the game based on that trailer alone. That guy should make more trailers haha.

On the contrary, developers waste time and effort on hype-building and marketing that could be spent on building a better game. And just like movies, the more marketing there is, at least in my opinion, the more likely they are to be garbage, since the creators feel the need to invest so much money into convincing you

Well, I think for starts, moving the joystick will cause her to walk around her environment. I'm also guessing that she can talk to people. See? It works already.

He's telling the truth. If you define "gamers" as the group of teenagers and young adults who are completely pre-occupied with and wholly define themselves by games and geek culture, then yes, you are talking about some of the most entitled, privileged, ungrateful and sniveling people on the internet. Truth. Get over