
Coward Calls Charlatan Fake 

Trigg Adams, Sanders’ grandson

Is this where we complain about never getting our full 500 Days of Kristin?

Honest question: Do you think Nicholson knows who LeBron James is?

I can’t wait for all of these takes to stop when Columbia beats them

This story leaves out some information that helps explain why Darby is not facing discipline. Most of this news was out last week but it was from anonymous NFL sources who were explaining what the NFL uncovered in their investigation whereas this was a statement from the victim’s lawyer who was recapping some of what

So, on official review, it was determined that it was not a vote.

I’ve found that 11:15 is the best time to get lunch because you beat all the other lunch rush idiots, but the other early-birds have been served all the shit that’s been sitting in heating trays since 10AM so you get the freshest food quickest around 11:15. So on that note, time to head to Popeye’s.

J.R. Smith went and committed a crime

the ’Tics played smarter

The Philadelphia 76ers Should Blow Up The Team And Not Worry About The Short-Term Consequences

So you’re saying the Steelers forced their will on him, then Ben changed his tune. I guess it’s safe to say he’s just in it for the money, and his original statement is completely invalid.

That picture makes him look like a visiting pastor at the suburban church and the parishioners aren’t quite sure whether they like this sermon style

What’s less clear is why the Worldwide Leader would want Favre as the celebrity face of one of its biggest recurring live sports programs.

I have never...attempted to gain a competitive advantage.

Initially we just thought that Icognito was your average schoolyard bully. But given what’s happened to Martin’s life since, it turns out Richie might be one of the greatest bullies of all time. It really makes you reconsider where you rank him.

“I don’t get any of it but what can I do? I’m not going to complain about it because I have zero power.”

JAM: (doing a huge line) Well, John, with all due respect, I’m a bit confused.