
How can you argue that it’s necessary for competitive balance when it clearly doesn’t work?

Union-negotiated buyouts when Univision wanted to lay off a bunch of writers. 

Yeah, Belgium is a much better team and absolutely deserved to win. “Could not successfully complete a great upset” does not make a team a fraud.

As someone who’s lived around Cincinnati my entire life, it is absolutely fair to differentiate northeast Ohio from southwest Ohio. 

For all the legitimate criticisms of PUBG, the declining player numbers does not seem like a good one to me.

It’s still the only good mil-sim-style battle royale game that’s remotely complete. Fortnite is a better game, but not a game I want to play. There are a ton of possible replacements in the works right now, but none that are actually good enough to replace PUBG yet. 

This is such disingenuous horseshit. Anyone who decides to vote Republican because a mean restaurant owner kicked out Sarah Sanders was always going to vote Republican. 

Yeah, illegally entering the US is way more endangering than the Central American gang violence they’re fleeing.

Mike Brown is low-key one of the worst owners in the league. He’s just awful in such boring ways that no one really cares, especially compared to guys like Dan Snyder.

Her action was a lot more dangerous to herself than the horse. A loose horse is a lot more likely to hurt itself running around than it is to get hurt by a human dragging on its reins. 

According to the Herald, Millan is no longer overseeing cases in criminal court and is now working with the juvenile division.

I’m bored and curious enough that I looked up Wisconsin’s 2017 media guide.

Towards the end of the video he shows Blighttown with the mod for 60 fps on a Threadripper 1950x and a 1080Ti. It largely stays at 60 fps but has quite a few mid 40s drops. 

Title IX requires schools to maintain a difference no larger than one percent between the percentage of women athletes it employs and the percentage of scholarship dollars they are allotted.

It’s really funny how many people are mad that this article—which in no way claims to be a review of Deadpool 2—is, for a variety of reasons, a bad review of Deadpool 2. 

The whole premise of the article is “here’s why I think Deadpool sucks” not “here’s an objective and measured review of Deadpool 2"

I mean, considering that he allegedly molested a six-year-old, maybe?

I’m not sure it’s fair to blame LeBron for Isaiah Thomas being physically ruined and no longer a good basketball player. It’s not like chasing him off made the team any worse. 

Then go buy one of those and stop complaining. 

KD is the best player on the Warriors.