
That 6100 there was the most evil computer ever made...

You'd have to kill an awful lot of rats to get one of those ships I bet.

Where I sit right now - I cannot see the pixels on my budget Dell LCD screen... For what its worth.

Actually it was probably the best thing to happen to Apple - it was clear Steve nor John really had any idea what to do to fix the Mac.

Oregon Coast doesn't work either, but it rarely does anyhow...

@modestmouse: I don't see why Google would prevent it - there are already 3rd party advertising frameworks on Google.

@RickDart: I doubt sense is the reason why updates from HTC take so long. I blame quality assurance (quality assurance takes a huge amount of time - on any product). Motorola took about as long to release 2.1, and they don't use sense.

@Godson: You sync them through googles tools online - so you don't even need any software installed on the PC.

@RickDart: Well on most HTC phones you can disable the sense ui... The Nexus One is a great phone (which is what I use) but its GSM only.

Newsflash - stuff gets broken if not stored properly. Its surprising what goes for tech news these days.