
It may not be something that most people would put a high priority on, but a huge pet peeve I have is when anime productions skimp on background art. It's natural that a TV series is going to have a limited budget, but still, it's pretty obvious that the quality has dropped dramatically for serialized shows since the

Oh, I'm not surprised that the connection was made, either. I just find it utterly obnoxious that anything's coming of it.

It's not like it's one of those posters where they just show the date, and you're supposed to infer that, oh yes, it means this movie is opening on this date. It's in pretty small font at the bottom, and is one of the last things your eyes are drawn to in the design.

Who cares? If you think that the lesson of 9/11 is that we should turn the date into a tragedy-porn taboo, then you're the one with the problem.

Oh, come the hell on. For real. There is no reason for anybody to be outraged here.

Given that this dude has an incredibly obvious comb-over, I can't say I'm surprised that he came up with this method of dealing with his cell on live TV.

Now playing

I've always wanted to play this game, but never got around to finding an emulator version. I have, however, listened to a lot of the music from its soundtrack, and it's just fantastic. This one sounds like it could just as well be a Marcus Miller tune.

You're assuming that they're going to deal with Trystane in the same level of detail as Arianne was dealt with in the books. I don't think they will. They will almost certainly have to compress things quite a bit in order to make all of the necessary storylines fit into 10 episodes. It's not like this is going to be

Why don't you watch it and find out? Trying to critique this basically a year before it will even air is silly.

Jaime is exactly the same as in the books. His character arc is no different.

1) The only aspect of Shae's story that I found unconvincing in the translation to TV was that Tyrion would have found her sleeping with Tywin. It made sense in the book, but it felt like a forced element in the show, specifically because the romance between she and Tyrion was real, whereas in the book it was clearly

Yeah, I really don't get her deal. Apparently you're an MRA if you don't believe that bitching about the fictional events on a TV show will ever make the world a better place for anybody. These people have so firmly convinced themselves that everything's, like, all inter-connected, and this affects that, and that

You've mentioned a bunch of piddly stuff. And I'm sorry, but difference doesn't equate to butchery.

And ... dismissed!

Yes, that's exactly what I support. I want more shows that erase, silence, and degrade women. Like Tony Soprano, I believe that women should not only refrain from driving the car, but that they should ride behind it in a little wagon, like in the cartoons, with the little skunks riding in a small boat behind Noah's

Far better than the phony liberalism of bitching about TV shows and what some fucking celebrity said or did. I prefer earning my headaches by thinking about what's happening in the world, not extrapolating—on some right-wing Christian level bullshit—that media creates these problems. Where were you when they were

Because they're sexist! They hate women and want to keep the ladies down!

Everything affects everything else or something like that, so pissing about the PC-ness of TV shows MATTERS, man. The amazingness of blog logic never ceases to amaze me.

Hmm? What did they add for Theon and Ramsay that wasn't significantly more than matched by cuts? For example, the rather large part in the book where Ramsay actually takes Winterfell, and all the stuff explaining what Reek is, how Ramsay temporarily became an outlaw, and so on. The producers and writers have had to

This is a TV show, not a cake that must be sliced up into representative portions based on ethnicity, gender, and blah blah blah. I'm endlessly fascinated by how, in a world where real inequality still persists so broadly, a week's worth of blog entries will be devoted to how the last episode of Game of Thrones—a