skrame ☆

@Printmatic: Holy balls. Printmatic on Kotaku?

@Re1gn: I'm trying to craft a clever reply to your statements regarding having a lot of turnovers and still being the better team, but I'm too busy dreaming of a new offensive line.

@Altima NEO: Lego uses existing pieces creatively? I thought they stopped that in the nineties, and switched all production to Star Wars and specialized sets.

@craazy: Yeah, man. This is pointless. I'm not even going to waste my time commenting on ... it.

@KichiGuy: I think you just need the disc; it doesn't matter if you bought it new or not. There was no beta code or anything in mine.

@Leftoverz: But I want to look good when I'm shooting aliens.

@Clatu6: Are you sure? I looked into it, and read that it was in development since "the end of Halo 3". Halo 3 came out one week before the companies split.

Shine a flashlight on them? I was wondering what happened to the Luigi's Mansion development team.

@Sticks Calhoun: I remember throwing N-Bombs, and then going out for dinner while I waited for the N64 to stop chugging.

@Does Not Equal: I want to be able to import my N64 stats, so people can see what a boss I am.

Using advanced projector technology, this is how Settlers of Catan could look like in the year 2027.

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Now playing

I'll pee my pants if there is an Xbox 360 commercial that looks like this gem:

Is this the thread where I come in and tell everybody that I would give my left foot for ChuChu Rocket on XBLA?

@PuffyTail: Quit pushing your atheism on me!

@jedbeetle: On the other hand, if there were DLC available day 1 for GTA 4 on the PS3 that had parachutes and planes and more weapons, I'd have been all over it.

@Z33RO: I went to a White Sox game on Saturday, and in our section there were at least 5 people with DSes (DSs?). They were all younger (grade schoolers), so I'm not sure that they would care about this functionality. Depending on cost, I would bring my DS to the game.