Am I the only one who thought Citizen Kane was craptacular? I didn't find it entertaining at all.
@EnigmaNemesis: Yeah, because it isn't enough for them to have given $272,000,000 to charity in 2006, which is more than anyone else. Certainly, they still have a tidy profit, but you shouldn't put down the charitable donations of someone that gives so much.
@aeonpulse & TheOtherBarber: Chill Out wasn't only PC only. It was one of the original maps from the Xbox version of Halo: CE.
@kingmanic: I'm a geek, and Nintendo makes their bread and butter on me and my kind. It's pretty clear from the majority of the wii library that Nintendo has been abandoning me.
@ExarKun: Amen to that. I've tried Maddedn a few times in my life, but none have matched up to the fun I had with 2K5 on Xbox or the previous versions on my Dreamcast.
@Salen: You don't really understand this, do you?
@KaneAlcimede: What a shitty and elitist comment.
@harticus33: You're not patronizing or a dick or anything. You're just repeating what happycodemonkey said two and a half hours ago. Your only crime is not reading.
@Daisuash: Anyway, if this kind of forums operate, why haven´t been shutdown??...
I'm sick of all you jerks knocking Petz! How many of you have actually picked one up and played it?
@trelantana: ...My interest is peaked.
I love how everyone is considering Wii Sports and similar games as "soft-core".
@sandwiches (or any physics major): I'm no physicist, so bear with me. How does a scale being on high piles of carpet affect is ability to weigh objects accurately?
Magic Carpet
I love the bit about 10% granted for an animated Georgia logo. Is this something that's already made, or are they asking people to animate their logo?
@Len Bias Cocaine Surplus: Goes to show if Mario is on the cover it will sell no matter what.
Is there anyone here who can tell me what some of these Japanese titles American equivalents are (if any)?
@jaz: Same here. I could use a good co-op game for when my brother comes over. My wife, on the other hand, wouldn't try this. She prefers the games in which your controller is a musical instrument, which are the games I enjoy the least.