
Queue TopGear

I almost feel sorry for the poor bastard thats gotta try and collect the fees from uh other countries. Talk about a sisyphean effort.

This isnt even news anymore.

You should really consider not doing meth before posting.

attempting to procrastinate successfully.

same as any other vehicle minus the engine and transmission bits.

Cool another 70k+ car for me to not give a fuck about.

Ok fine Ill put it more simply for you then.

Because they have zero idea what they are doing and like to think they know better, whilst simultaneously ignoring centuries of underground transit experience.

Na thats just the fascist party line “Im doing it for THE PEOPLE”.

So Ive got a legit question.

They also stud them.... which adds another variable in.

Why would they kill a wildly popular option?  It boggles the mind.

had a 2010 and currently have a 2018.  both were hilariously too quiet.

as an owner of a 2018 wrx... yeah, the stock exhaust is comically quiet.

Mitch Rapp more likely with him being an American citizen and all.

I would guess most are not.  Especially at a college scale.

Just what we need... badge engineered nissans.

Im on my third three pedaler.

Knew I was dancing around it somewhat.  Thanks.