
Yeah sure with covid you can say that now, but at the time having to figure it out as we go along was difficult. Then throw in foreign interference, an utterly inept leader, people just doing literally whatever the fuck they wanted... and yeah it didnt go great.

real tunnels doing “real” things? riiiight. Id hold my breath for it to be viable in my lifetime, but I would expire before that happened. Its adding an utterly unnecessary complication to mass transit...

His shits never gonna get off the ground.

why the fuck are you here commenting?

The hyper loop is shit. congrats he just invented a WORSE subway.

same.  notsureifserious.gif

Audi same issue as all the other brands too. Expensive unreliable heaps that look really good.

disaster breakdown on youtube.

The one channel I follow for these on youtube is Disaster Breakdown.

I know this wont work but !remind me 2 years.

Did you read what I wrote?

If resale tanks again? Shit id buy one they would be what 10k at that point?

Has control of the house, senate, and presidency:

A rough paraphrasing here. One of my favorite lines from the first MiB. 

Im in the state that has a large portion of the strategic nuclear bombers based out of it...


So he literally just documented his fraud...

wild car.

wild, thanks for the math.

I mean a tshirt isnt also legal precedent.  Just like memes arnt facts.