What you mean you arnt a fan of the glut of PUSSY IN BIO profiles?
What you mean you arnt a fan of the glut of PUSSY IN BIO profiles?
Are “Get ill soon” cards a thing? They need to be.
Mr. Musk... I have a Mr. Peter... and a err... Mr. Paul on the line. Neither seem very happy.
im just waiting for him to pivot back to crypto again for more pump and dump goodness.
everythings covered in bacteria, now if its pathogenic or not is the real question.
or ourselves.
urine isnt sterile.
If only we had some sort of breath analysis system that can quantify objectively the level or not of intoxication.
so sometime in 2100? Wouldnt describe the order filling as fast heh.
na itll be only available for the top trim tier of whatever model its offered in oh and you have to use their financing or something to get it.
well us poors need 1 car that can do it all you see.
Now I dont know the model he had, but... how bad could this have gone had he one of the really powerful sub 4sec 0-60 versions.
Granted renting is cheaper than buying a car, but just for grins pulling up a rental for a week... its anywhere from $660 to $1000 for it.
holy hell, thing looks like a DTM car... and I for one welcome that.
Given the quality coming out of this page lately, can you be surprised I misinterpreted it?
Makes it REALLY fun when I embarrass them in my subaru. Awwww. Your 4x4 lost its shit in the modest snow we just got? Geeeeee thats just terrrrrrible.
At the point you called “woke” being a possible culprit you lost me.
Because it was one of only 40 made of this model? Not a hard concept.
Market cap isnt a flawless measure. It can sometimes be wildly divorced from reality.