I didnt think it was possible, but congrats Russia you actually managed to make something uglier than the MalibuMAXX, Aztec, and Cybertruck.
I didnt think it was possible, but congrats Russia you actually managed to make something uglier than the MalibuMAXX, Aztec, and Cybertruck.
plus the logistics of a 3 ton engine heh.
Yeah but this specific one is.
delorean meets cyberpunk2077.
I once managed to total an f150 with a honda civic. It can be done! successfullly?
If only the price were as well.
Curious how much this will add to the cost of already expensive as shit cars.
yeah and sometimes thats just how it fucking goes.
or no gun and then no murder happens.
And manufacturers have killed almost all of them :(
The demon is 4200lb, ctsv 4100, S class is 4700.
Its 5000lbs for a 2023 model S. Thats right around what an f150 weighs, so not really anything egregious (like the hummer).
What my stupid ass gets for skimming at work.
Subaru got rid of the turbo forester :\. It was basically a lifted wrx (Foz XT trims of yesteryear).
That was intentional with the lucid. Go watch SavageGeeses’s video on the sapphire. Was actually damn interesting. They talked to the engineers and what not. The styling was intentionally chosen to be tame. From what I remember anyway.
Take the fucking star sir.
good news is they probably wont be sold on a meaningful scale either.
This assumes parking farther away is an option. It obviously isnt always. Not that hard to make that judgement call.
I cant wait for this dumpster fire to get lit, its going to be the best meme-ing of late 2023.