
You cant fire me... I quit!

Ive had my eye on a versys for a long time, still need that M though.

Honestly my husky all weather mats. The factory oem subaru ones are a joke (came with the car I didnt buy em).

1st gear: lol bullshit. EV’s are expensive as fuck to build and the cost is people.

The FA20 and EJ dont sound too bad though even running single exhausts.

Id hit it on mileage then lol, i’m almost to 85k.

Why on earth would these be head to head ever.... good god, timed.

It was over 93* and midwest humidity and zero cloud cover. Id love to see you sit in a car with no air on.

I personally enjoy having to get my 4 year old car emissions tested... when someones 25+ year old pile of shit burning oil like a rotary with failed apex seals is... A-ok.

I mean this has to become a meme.

I just want the STi to come back with a dual injection 2.5L FA/FB and a massive turbo :(

plus each caption from the “article” writer was basically “lul it sucks” for the most part without breaking down actually WHY they sucked.

restoration aside... the amount of TIME this dude had to have spent shooting this, and editing?  This should be award winning. 

also with one spare tire on and a temp tag thats 2 years past its prime.

3rd: Except on that new wrx... ooofa.

So you’re saying there’s a chance.

shooting brake sounds like an attack in an anime.

Had one, hated it. Granted it wasnt a *fun* one so, that probably didnt help.

I dont know how volcanos work and know enough to not walk in to one.

This.  You should see the back of my wrx.  just ooof.