
oof. wonder what the upcharge per car will be.

my wrx even with its modest 4.9" of ground clearance does surprisingly fine in even up to a foot of snow. Now... appropriate tires for the job at hand of course, but still.

I live in the midwest. meaning we can get a lot of snow pretty randomly. Im talking 60's the day before and now its 5* below zero and we just got 12" of snow.

Did you miss the rest of the joke?

never mind your post (which is good)... im here because i subscribe to your username.

by far one of my favorite b horror movies.

lol what.

So dumb question I dont know the answer to.... wouldnt hvac use less battery than the drag from open windows?

neighbor will hit a full year waiting on his gas range if it makes it to march next year.

The best kind of death trap.

You know what must be done now....

On the next episode of my 600lb crossover life.

Id attempt to just place the port with usb3 or something

pretty much nailed that assessment. he goosed it, fucked up, realized he fucked up, panicked, made it worse, went off the ledge.... and awaaaaaay we go.

I ordered golf clubs end of last month.... my wait is anywhere from 6 weeks till sometime in january. 

wrx / sti? Both still come with the ultra rare fun pedal too.

yeah that threw me off, I was like is it.... but like the tach is up im like welp here goes comment fired!

Is it a sign the last pic is basically showing a check engine light?

While that shutter system for the ioniq might take up more room like you described, it does have the added advantage of not having a engine packed in there along with, belts pulleys giant radiator + fans. Though I am ignorant of any radiator or not setup in that particular car. Imagine it wouldnt need to be nearly as

I sat in one and frankly the biggest issue with this car is visibility out of it is frankly shit.  Like Modern ford explorer levels of shit.  How do you fuck up visibility in a hatch back?