
Does this "replica movie prop crowd" ever have parties?  Because I would like to go to one.

Does this "replica movie prop crowd" ever have parties?  Because I would like to go to one.

You paper late! You paper dock one letter grade!

You paper late! You paper dock one letter grade!

Those cynical academic leftist types don't even consider the possibility that it's real, Indiana Jones and the movies about him are real, and that Abner Ravenwood never went insane and started mailing his shit to colleges.

Those cynical academic leftist types don't even consider the possibility that it's real, Indiana Jones and the movies about him are real, and that Abner Ravenwood never went insane and started mailing his shit to colleges.

That's certainly a load of crap.

That's certainly a load of crap.

I like this guy.  This is a funny guy!

I like this guy.  This is a funny guy!

Clever. Because marijuana.

Clever. Because marijuana.

I think she's definitely funny but her fake voice kind of irks me…I know stand-up is pretty much performance art, but I'd prefer it if she just talked with her normal voice.

I think she's definitely funny but her fake voice kind of irks me…I know stand-up is pretty much performance art, but I'd prefer it if she just talked with her normal voice.

No, they really loved that jalapeno on a stick guy too.

No, they really loved that jalapeno on a stick guy too.

Well whatever it was, your childhood sucked.

Well whatever it was, your childhood sucked.

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4, 5