What’s hard to understand? You want to take a vacation, you save up for a while, go on vacation, and then you’re BROKE for a while.
What’s hard to understand? You want to take a vacation, you save up for a while, go on vacation, and then you’re BROKE for a while.
That eight glasses a day thing is completely made up. A healthy intake of water is however much you drink until you don’t feel thirsty.
I’ve gained 50+ lbs since my fiance and I started dating, with most of that being since our engagement, and I hate it. I hate it so much and I would LOVE to lose any of it, to the point where this shit looks like a decent idea. Thank god I don’t have the money for get slim quick shit, but I know I need something. I…
If your therapist is worth their weight in horrible salted water, tell them. I totally understand your fear, and boy howdy have I gotten a lot of “you couldn’t REALLY have had a problem because x y z”, even from people I thought were good friends, and skepticism, and a lot of BS, but the best things I ever did were to…
This would be right at home on the late great Someone Ate This http://someoneatethis.tumblr.com/
*sheds a tear in remembrance*
I read this as a “viscous, viscous lie” and thought “yep.”
This article reminds me very much of the yeast problem I had last year. I had Candida overgrowth in my stomach that caused such horrible bloating and pain, it put me off food. It’s taken me like 6 months to get back to a point where I want to eat instead of treating meals like a dental checkup.
It’s going to be ok! You’re amazing and loved and at the end of that aisle is the person you will spend the rest of your life with waiting to hold your hand!!!
Bless you for making it 3.5 days on this bullshit starvation diet, and for writing the truth about how awful it made you feel. I have a colleague who has put herself on a starvation diet to look good for her beach vacation, but at least she’s eating real food (just a tiny, tiny amount of it). I already told her that a…
I’m getting married in 3 months and I hate the way I look
I tried the medifast diet for 2 months. I lost a butt load of weight (30+ pounds) Yay me. I have a bad ED (graduated from HS weighing 82 lbs at 5’4”) and I am obese, weighing 182 lbs as of today, the same as when I started medifast 2 years ago. So I ate to the bottom of the calorie range and limited my carbs to 70 or…
Any half-decent diet should have a no-guilt requirement. You don’t get to sacrifice psychological health for weight loss and call it healthy.
Well, maybe. Laura certainly told the story as one that her Pa had told her, claiming it as fact, but the timing doesn’t seem to work out, in that the Ingalls family did not live in the area during the correct period. Maybe Pa was exaggerating his involvement slightly for the sake of a good scary story for the little…
That sounds super scary and I hope you haven't had any lasting effects. I find it really hard to find a middle ground between eating whatever I want whenever I want and disordered eating. This is how I always feel when I restrict my diet too far - weepy, angry, stressed and concentrating on food instead of getting my…
Before I start reading the article, I would just like to give a shout out to Tara Jacoby because that illustration is FUCKING RAD.
A roommate of mine worked at mediFast for about a month as one of the health consultants. She had to leave because she couldn’t handle straight up lying to people and herself about this being healthy.
Like 10 years ago I did this, must’ve been before they had pasta because I only remember shakes and soups. Or maybe I didn’t shell out for pasta. Anyways, I lasted 2 weeks and one day, lost 13 pounds, then cried for about a day straight and ended up neck-deep in a pile of junk from Wienerschnitzel. I don’t even like…
When I was in high school, some local, road-side hotel decided to convert their restaurant to a Chinese buffet. They called the high school to see if there were any “Chinese girls who would like a job.” Damn it. I was the only Chinese girl in the school, and actually, yeah, I wanted another job because college was…