
That was an excellent Falcon Punch.

What kind of world do we live in where we cant all gather round for our love of porn?

Artist's conception of the image that springs to mind every time I see one of this guy's posts:

They didn't use the words "begin with." They won't say it'll happen at all now, which is a big departure from their promises last February.

He's really good at completely avoiding the question.

4,638,937 people played the Destiny beta, Activision announced this morning in a press release. That sure is a specific number! Says Activision exec Eric Hirshberg: "This is the biggest beta of this console generation by a wide margin and the largest console beta ever for a new video game IP to date."

Is $92 million a lot to lose in a single quarter? Especially in the summertime relatively early in a new generation?

With the added line-up and their entire situation ironed out come Christmas they'll no doubt turn this around .. at least for a month or two. They grew too comfortable during their Wii/DS phase and now they're probably not even sure where to cut the fat to save themselves cash.